Driving Directions to Hidden Valley Farm
GPS Coordinates for Valle Escondido Preserve are: Latitude 10.30955, Longitude -84.81954.
We suggest using the navigation application WAZE. It is a free, but does require cellular connection. If you do not have cell service while in Costa Rica an option could be for you to use WAZE at a location where you have WiFi and compare the directions on WAZE with the offline application you are using to navigate with. In general travel times are usually a little longer than expected here in CR and avoiding San Jose during rush peak rush hour is suggested.
From La Fortuna
1. Drive up the hill from downtown La Fortuna (Rte 142) toward the Tilaran.
2. Drive from Tilaran (145) to Monteverde (Rte 606)
3. In Santa Elena, Monteverde continue on the road toward Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
4. Drive in the main street and pass the Costa Rica Bank.
5. Continue 300 mts and take your right in Escuela Rafael Arguedas, Monteverde.
6. Drive down 400 mts,and take the second entrance on the left (Valle Escondido sign at this corner)
7. Finally Drive 300 mts, passing the Monteverde Butterfly Garden on your right, the road ends in our parking lot. Please remember your car license plate number to provide us during check in. Welcome!
From Tilaran
1. Drive from Tilaran (145) to Monteverde (Rte 606)
2. In Santa Elena, Monteverde continue on the road toward Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
3. Drive in the main street and pass the Costa Rica Bank.
4. Continue 300 mts and take your right in Escuela Rafael Arguedas, Monteverde.
5. Drive down 400 mts,and take the second entrance on the left (Valle Escondido sign at this corner)
6. Finally Drive 300 mts, passing the Monteverde Butterfly Garden on your right, the road ends in our parking lot. Please remember your car license plate number to provide us during check in. Welcome!
From Liberia
1. Drive from Liberia on the panamerican highway.
2. In La Irma take your left and drive to Las Juntas (Rte 145)
3.Continue on the road 145 toward Monteverde.
4.In Santa Elena, Monteverde continue on the road toward Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
5. Drive in the main street and pass the Costa Rica Bank.
6. Continue 300 mts and take your right in Escuela Rafael Arguedas, Monteverde.
7. Drive down 400 mts,and take the second entrance on the left (Night Walk Hidden Valley Trail)
8. Finally Drive 300 mts, passing the Monteverde Butterfly Garden on your right, the road ends in our parking lot. Please remember your car license plate number to provide us during check in. Welcome!
From SJO Airport / San Jose
Driving Directions to Valle Escondido Preserve from SJO Airport (San José)
1. Drive from San José on the Panamerican highway (Rte 27 or Rte 1) toward Monteverde.
2. In Rancho Grande Sardinal, drive on the road 606 to Monteverde.
3. In Santa Elena, Monteverde continue on the road toward Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
4. Drive in the main street and pass the Costa Rica Bank.
5. Continue 300 mts and take your right in Escuela Rafael Arguedas, Monteverde.
6. Drive down 400 mts,and take the second entrance on the left (Night Walk Hidden Valley Trail)
7. Finally Drive 300 mts, passing the Monteverde Butterfly Garden on your right, the road ends in our parking lot. Please remember your car license plate number to provide us during check in. Welcome!